The Explorers

Next Meeting

The Letter of St Paul to the Galatians

Christchurch, Sandymount, D04 EH10
Monday 20 January 2025 @ 7.30pm

17 February @ 7.30 pm
24 March @ 7.30 pm
28 April @ 7.30 pm

The Sandymount Explorers is an ecumenical group which reads the bible together. For 2024-2025, we are reading the letter of St Paul to the Galatians.

Time: 3rd Monday of the month. @ 7.30pm
Where: Christchurch, Sandymount, Dublin

On this page, you will find the updated hangouts and links to other resources on the letter to the Galatians.
  1. Handouts (up to date)
  2. New English Translation — a very handy annotated translation. My "go to" for Paul for several reasons!
  3. New Perspective on Paul (Wiki — good)
  4. Tom Wright on the New Perspective on Paul (YouTube)
  5. Galatia (Wiki — brief and good)
  6. David Suchet reading Galatians (using the NIV, alas!)
  7. How to read Galatians theologically
  8. Catholic resources on Galatains


The Dying Galatian
(Borghese Gallery, Rome)

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