Biblical Resources

Biblical Resources

For freedom Christ has set us free...

Biblical Resources

For freedom Christ has set us free...

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“Silence is the language of God, all else is poor translation.”

― (attributed to) Rumi

Here you have resources for Christian meditation or mindfulness.

Apps for Meditation and daily prayer

Contemplative Outreach offers a very useful app for meditation plus other resources: click.
World Christian Community for Meditation offers apps for iOS and Android.

For those in a hurry
3-Minute Retreat

On-line prayer (there is as yet to app)
Sacred Space
World Community for Christian Meditation
Christian Meditation Ireland
How to meditate

In Orlagh, there are two meditations times: Sunday at 10.00 before mass and Wednesday evenings at 8.00 pm.

Occasionally there are mindfulness or mediation courses in Orlagh. Check the Orlagh

A German Benedictine monk maintains a remarkable website called "Gratefulness". There is much more to it than that and it repays a visit.